Will there be a diablo 4 on pc?
Will there be a diablo 4 on pc?

will there be a diablo 4 on pc?

The open beta's early downloading period is at the same time on March 22, but those who have already downloaded the initial beta client do not need to re-download it for the open beta.Ĭouch co-op will be available for the beta period, as well, on both Xbox and PlayStation platforms. Diablo IV beta platformsīlizzard is rolling the Diablo IV beta out to a wide variety of platforms, as you'll be able to play on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.īeta downloading for the early access period begins on March 15 at 9 AM PT / noon ET on all platforms. If you already have the early access beta client downloaded, you do not need to download it again, though it's possible there could be an additional update. Early downloading began for the open beta on March 22 at 9 AM PT / noon ET. The open beta weekend does not require any sort of special invitation or access code. This could be the case again, though there will likely be far more people trying to enter the open beta than were present for the early access period.

will there be a diablo 4 on pc?

Queue times were extremely long during the first day of the early access beta but were all but eliminated afterward. Blizzard has already warned players about this, as the beta is intended to stress-test the servers in preparation for a full launch. Keep in mind that you may encounter a login queue when trying to play the open beta. The open beta will kick off at 9 AM PT / noon ET and run until the ending date at noon PT / 3 PM ET. Early downloading is available now for the open beta. If you didn't get in, the open beta runs from March 24-26. This period actually extended into partway through March 20, with connection issues stopping people from playing for several hours after it was initially live. The early access weekend ran from March 17-19, with preorders being the entry ticket to this first phase. Now Playing: Diablo 4 Hands-On Preview Diablo IV beta dates By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's

Will there be a diablo 4 on pc?